Who We Are & Our Inspiration

Charlene Ann Foundation was founded in 2010 and led by Charlene Sangenario Dumais with the close support of her family and friends around her. As she began her own journey through breast cancer, she discovered her own life’s mission to help others battling cancer and create a support for those in need, financially, and emotionally. Through her love and passion for helping others, the Charlene Ann foundation was established and grew from being a great idea to one rapidly growing family. Charlene unfortunately lost her battle a few years later in 2013.

Though her journey ended, her mission and her story carried on. See video from Fox 25 who featured her on their morning show. Click HERE to take a look.

From that point on, the CAF team got to work to keep her mission and her story alive. We’re a dedicated group of volunteers composed of professionals, and friends from Massachusetts who’s goal is to take the financial burden out of the equation for those fighting for survival. Funds raised will be donated to assist with families who face the financial burden cancer can bring which include, but are not limited to, medical bills, travel expenses, palliative care, child care and general home bills etc. We also assist in funding research efforts and opportunities which include Dana Farber Cancer Institute in the hopes to find a cure.

We love every opportunity we can get to bring our family and community together. With that, we host a variety of events through the year which include Valentine’s Day "Fur Ball", Doggy 5K Walk/Run, Cooking classes, Garden plant sales (flowers and all kinds of vegetables), etc. You can find all of our upcoming activities in the events tab. Sign up to our quarterly newsletter and stay up to date with our planning and progress.

Thank you for your interest and we look forward to growing our continually expanding family.


The "Charlene Ann Team"